The Old Coach


The Old Coach


Hi folks, 


My name is Jennifer Crandall, but my friends call me Jenni. As a writer I went by an ancestor’s name, Prudence MacLeod, or the ancient scribe.

I’m in my mid seventies now, and believe it’s time to share a bit of my experience with you all. I’ve been a coach for over fifty years in one form or another, thus the Old Coach label.

Qualifications?  Well, to start I was a personal fitness trainer/ strength coach for over twenty years, even worked with a few professional athletes, won a few awards, etc, and had a lot of fun. Turns out helping folks is my thing.

I was always an energy healer. (People said I had the touch.) In an attempt to carry that forward I began to study Reiki back in the early nineties.  I became a master teacher and made my way through life that way for a few years.

Eventually we moved to a much more remote area, so I switched to writing to share my ideas and insights through easy to read novels.  A few folks even saw through that and called me on it.  We eventually became great friends as a result.

In recent years my beloved companion suffered devasting health issues and my energies were turned to helping her survive and thrive.  She has recovered much of her former self, but I now find myself wanting to reach out again.

I  asked my spirit guides (also a spiritual healer) and this is what I was guided to do. So, enter the Old Coach. Me.


I’m not selling courses, I’m not asking you for money, I’m just offering to share my life experience, help where I can, after all, we old people have lots of advice to share. If I’m able to help you and you want to support me, awesome, if cash flow is a problem, no worries.


So that’s about it. If spirit has brought you here, and if you’ve managed to read all the way down, then you are my tribe.


Thank you



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